Excel For Mac How To Wrap Text Other Line

Select the cell with overflowing text -- or an entire column -- and click Wrap Text on the Home tab. Excel adds line breaks where needed and expands the selected cell's height to fit the text. Adjust the column's width as desired, and Excel updates the wrapping automatically. Wrap the text in the cell by right-clicking on the merged cells and again choosing 'Format Cells. Check the 'Wrap Text' option on the Alignment tab of the 'Format Cells' window and then click the OK button to close the window.

  1. How To Wrap Text In Google Slides
Active5 years, 10 months ago

I want to write multi-lines in one MS Excel cell.

But whenever I press the Enter key, the cell editing ends and the cursor moves to next cell. How can I avoid this?

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Wahid BitarWahid Bitar
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5 Answers

What you want to do is to wrap the text in the current cell. You can do this manually by pressing Alt + Enter every time you want a new line

Or, you can set this as the default behaviour by pressing the Wrap Text in the Home tab on the Ribbon. Now, whenever you hit enter, it will automatically wrap the text onto a new line rather than a new cell.

16.3k11 gold badges50 silver badges65 bronze badges
Josh HuntJosh Hunt
17.4k17 gold badges76 silver badges120 bronze badges

You have to use Alt+Enter to enter a carriage return inside a cell.

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10.4k5 gold badges34 silver badges62 bronze badges
  1. Edit a cell and type what you want on the first 'row'
  2. Press one of the following, depending on your OS:

    Windows:Alt + Enter

    Mac:Ctrl + Option + Enter

  3. Type what you want on the next 'row' in the same cell
  4. Repeat as needed.

Note that inserting carriage returns with the key combinations above produces different behavior than turning on Wrap Text. In the screenshot below, column A has the carriage returns and column B has Wrap Text turned on. Changing the width of a column with carriage returns doesn't remove them. Changing the width of a column with Wrap Text turned on will change where the lines break.

Jon CrowellJon Crowell
1,3694 gold badges18 silver badges32 bronze badges

Alt + Enter never worked for me. I had to go to Format Cells and make sure that the Number tab was set to Text. That allowed me to see exactly as I had input. My issue could have been Mac specific though.

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Mr. DMr. D

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When I type a long sentence (or more than one sentence) into more than one cell in a row and apply the Text Wrap option to these cells, the cells have an extra blank line on the bottom of them. There are no extra spaces after my text. I have put the cursor at the end of the text and used the Delete key.

My text is formatted to be aligned to the Top and Left.

  • The Auto Format Height option does not get rid of the extra blank line.
  • Adjusting the width of the cell doesn't help.
  • I tried copying/pasting the text into Notepad and then back into Excel to try to get rid of any formatting. That did not work.
  • I am not using Bold, Italic or any other font setting. I am using the default font when I am entering the text.
  • I have searched the Format Cells window. Nothing there gets rid of this extra blank line.

Is there some other setting I can use to get rid of this extra blank line? I realize that Excel isn't really made for word processing. But, I need to enter in comments on this sheet and use the Text Wrap feature.

I am using Office/Excel 2007 for Windows.

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15 Answers

I was able to reproduce the behavior you are seeing (also in Excel 2007). I can't find a way to get rid of the extra space once it's there, but I found that if you reverse your steps and apply the Text Wrap in a cell prior to entering your text, you will not get the extra blank line.


I had the same problem just before I've typed this. And here is what I've found.

How to wrap text in microsoft word

When you press wrap text the cells height is automatically adjusted. Also its height is not calculated as we expected. If there is very little space left on the last row of the text, Excel decides that the cell needs one more row... even if there is not a single letter on it.

If you get the cell's width a little wider, the automatic cell height adjustment removes the extra line.

Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini
2,4881 gold badge10 silver badges23 bronze badges
Rumen DimitrovRumen Dimitrov

I found that if you change the width of the column that contains the cell with the extra blank line, then auto sizing the height of the row will usually get rid of the extra blank line. Apparently word wrap messes up with particular cell values and particular widths. Try different widths until auto-sizing the height gets rid of the blank line.

You can widen the column by clicking and dragging the divider between the two column headers at the top of the worksheet. Once the column is wider, auto size the row by double-clicking the divider between the row headers on the left side of the worksheet.

Of course, if your worksheet has hundreds of rows, then each cell in that column has a certain chance of hitting the magic spot, and adding the extra line. Changing the width will clean up some cells, and add unnecessary blanks to others. In this case, the only solution that I have found is to manually wrap the text to my chosen width by inserting extra carriage returns in the middle of the text at the position that I'd like the text to wrap using alt+enter. I then make sure the column is a little wider than my chosen text width, and I won't get any extra blank lines. A terrible and labor intensive solution, but it does work.

Michael KrebsMichael Krebs

Excel lays out text differently in wrapped cells to the way it lays it out in text boxes.

(Try it: create a text box the same width as your wrapped cell, with zero margins, check Resize shape to fit text and Wrap text in shape, and paste in a copy of the text from your wrapped cell).

Knowing this, it seems that the problem occurs because the Autofit Row Height command adjusts the height of the row as if every cell of the row is laid out using the algorithm used for text boxes rather than the algorithm for wrapped cells. Autofit Row Height also ignores merged cells, so it really isn't very usable in many situations.

Solution: put your text into text boxes rather than wrapped cells. Of course, this introduces its own world of pain, but if you generate and populate the text boxes using VBA it isn't too difficult.

Andrew PartridgeAndrew Partridge

Moving to new sheet worked for me on Excel 2016:

  1. Ctrl+A, to select all cells
  2. Ctrl+C, to copy
  3. Shift+F11, to create a new sheet
  4. Ctrl+V, to paste all copied cells to the new sheet
  5. Resize columns by your needs
  6. Select all rows that you want to AutoFit.
  7. Alt+H,O,A, to AutoFit Row Height

I tried 6 of the 7 answers that were here (excepted the text boxing) and with a bit of fiddling the ideas all worked but, on some rows only. I'm working on an Excel 97-2003 (.xls) workbook using compatibility mode from Excel 2016 but I see 2007 has the same commands I used below...
Another thing that worked on some was to type a blank into the empty cells between the other data. Some rows were corrected by copying the formatting from a good example row, onto the problem row. Using the formatting dialog box to change all the formatting on all the data at once and reapply it also worked on a few rows. What I found that worked on all the many misbehaving rows I had left at once was to select all the data area (CTRL+HOME then CTRL+SHIFT+END will select cells that surprisingly contain invisible data too), go to the HOME tab, EDITING section, select the arrow beside CLEAR, choose CLEAR FORMATS. Then select all the data you want text wrapped and either right click or use CTRL1 to open the Formatting dialog box, alignment tab, and checkmark beside WRAP TEXT, ENTER, check the data all over for wasted lines (are there blank spaces leading or following your text?), then reapply any other formatting you were using. Voila! The end of many hours of frustration.(


Please do the following:1. Highlight the column, control+h (to find and replace) put a space in find and put any special character to '-' to replace.2. Convert 'text to colomn', delimit with the special character replaced.



I read in diagonal some answers and some are useful. Eventually after fidling with the issue I found:

  • Adding text to adjacent cells also causes same symptom.

How To Wrap Text In Google Slides

So I messed a bit more and here's the (eventual) solution - in Excel 2013:

  1. Click on Column header of the 'wrapped cells' to select whole column.
  2. Widen the column by dragging the right divider.
  3. Remove and re-add the 'Wrap text' setting.

Issue should disappear. Let me know if this fixes the issue.

Ontanoi SavelOntanoi Savel

The only solution for this problem seems to be complete reinstalation of the MS Office. I searched all over the internet forums and nobody knows how to solve it. For me, the reinstalation worked, so give it a try. :)

Vítězslav ČástkaVítězslav Částka

This bug remains in Excel 2016, and it has annoyed me for decades. Making the row fixed height always comes with the risk that some text will get hidden later if more text is added to the cell. Michael Krebs' solution will work most of the time and avoids this risk. Aganju seems to understand the problem well. I think that TaeKwonJoe was just lucky with Excel 2013. Paul Kienitz has my sympathy.The other fix that avoids the risks involved with fixed row heights is to tweak the font size up or down by a small fraction, say from 11point to 10.8point. Like adjusting row widths, it's a 'one time fix' that doesn't guarantee the extra space returning, but this way you don't mess up the formatting of the rest of the sheet. Good luck!

ian campbell-kellyian campbell-kelly

I am on a work computer and don't have administrator rights, so some of these options weren't able to be tried, all others didn't work for me.

I did find a resolution for Excel 2016. I simply used the format painter from a cell that didn't have the spacing issue and copied the formatting to the offending cell. It worked on all of my cells and was minimal extra work, not a great fix, but it can keep from having to adjust fonts or cell sizes and messing up the other formatting.

Jacob is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct.

This problem was bothering me for a very long time too.

My only solution to get rid of the extra space /enter was to finish the sentence with a dot / full stop / the key '.' This works 100% for me, where all other solutions failed (including copy pasting in notepad (back and forth), tinkering with layout, cell width, etc)

Yes, turns out it was that simple. Just finish the line with a hard break / dot.

Good luck!


i faced same problem & now solved it. Pls select the cell, click F2, bring mouse pointer at end of the text (press end button), click delete button couple times till u feel that some unwanted blank space is removed, then press enter button.... here u go. Thanks.


I highlighted the entire row. Then clicked on 'Home' at the top left. Then a 'Format' drop-down menu appeared on the upper right. With the row still highlighted, select 'AutoFit Row Height' from the 'Format' drop-down. Magic!

Joseph A SilvaJoseph A Silva

When you are on a cell, if you click the 'normal style' it should get rid of any extra space in the cell.


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Does Kindle For Mac Have Text To Speech


Download the latest version of Kindle for PC (1.19 or above) that supports screen readers as well as text-to-speech, without having to download the Accessibility Plugin. Visit the Kindle for PC Accessibility Features help page to learn more about its functions.

Download the latest version of the free Classic Text-to-Speech Engine for Android app at amazon.com. Click on the downloaded file and click 'run.' Follow the program prompts to complete installation. Click on the book that you wish to hear by clicking on its associated icon on your phone's screen. And now readers have the increased luxury of closing their eyes, relaxing and listening to their e-books on their phones, by using the free Classic Text-to-Speech Engine app. Things You'll Need Classic Text-to-Speech Engine for Android app.

Funny things to have text to speech say

Kindle for PC with Accessibility Plugin is a free, downloadable application that runs on Microsoft Windows. It provides the following accessibility features: text-to-speech reading, voice-guided menu navigation, large font sizes, high contrast reading mode, keyboard navigation, and accessible shortcuts.

Because this software is an assistive technology, there are no restrictions on text-to-speech reading. In order to use the text-to-speech feature, an external screen reader program must be installed and running on the Windows PC. The external screen reader is used to read aloud menus and navigation items, while book text is read by a built-in text-to-speech engine. Tested screen readers include JAWS, NVDA, and Microsoft Narrator.

In addition, your Windows PC must meet the minimum system requirements needed for Kindle for PC with Accessibility Plugin:

Kindle Speech To Text Feature

  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, or Windows 10 in Desktop Mode.
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Free hard disk space: 300MB

How To Use Messages App On Mac For Text Mesages

Open Messages on your Mac. Go to Settings > Messages on your iPhone and tap on Text Messages Forwarding. You will see your Mac (or Macs) listed here with an on off slider beside them. So make sure that you save important information from your messages. To delete a message: In a message conversation, touch and hold the message bubble that you want to delete, then tap More. Tap, then tap Delete Message. If you want to delete all messages in the thread, tap Delete All in the upper-left corner. Then tap Delete Conversation. It is now possible for Android Phone users to send SMS text messages from PC or Mac to smartphones using “Messages for web” feature, available in the Messages App. You will find below the steps to send text messages from PC using Android Messages App.

How To Use Messages App On Mac For Text Messages Iphone

UseHow To Use Messages App On Mac For Text Mesages

Did you know that you are able to send and receive text messages on your Mac? Imagine how convenient it can be to be able to send and reply to text messages and iMessages from your Mac.

How To Use Messages App On Mac For Text Messages

Text disappears while typing mac in skype for business This feature has been around for a while and with a few tweaks, you can also join the league of those enjoying this great functionality. In this article, we show you how to get messages on your Mac. How to Get Text Messages on Your Mac To receive text messages on your Mac (from non-Apple devices or when iMessage is unavailable), follow these simple steps follow these simple steps to turn on text message forwarding on your iPhone, so the messages can be available on your Mac. Step 1: Tap on Settings on your iPhone and then tap “Messages” Step 2: Tap on “Text Message forwarding.” Step 3: Tap on the toggle next to your Mac to enable the feature.

Following are the steps on how to install any app on PC with Bluestacks: • To begin, • Launch BlueStacks on PC • Once BlueStacks is launched, click My Apps button in the emulator • Search for: Text Editor • You will see search result for Text Editor app just install it • Login to your Google account to download apps from Google Play on Bluestacks • After login, installation process will start for Text Editor depending on your internet connection. Hints: If you are having LOADING issue with BlueStacks software simply install the Microsoft.net Framework software in your PC. Download and Install Text Editor in PC (Windows and Mac OS)Following are the 2 methods to install Text Editor in PC: • Install Text Editor in PC using BlueStacks App Player • Install Text Editor in PC using Nox App Player 1. Download text editor for mac. Install Text Editor in PC using BlueStacks BlueStacks is an Android App Player that allows you to run Android apps on PC.

How To Use Messages App On Mac For Text Messages Android

If you are signed in to Messages on your Mac and Text forwarding is enabled on your iPhone, you will be able to get text messages on your Mac. How to Get iMessages on Your Mac Before you can begin to send and receive text messages or iMessages on your Mac, you need to ensure that you are signed in with your Apple ID to the Mac messages app.

Shortcut For Crossing Out Text On Mac

  1. Command Shortcuts For Mac

Not sure if there IS a shortcut. Well, I do know that it's possible to get a strikethrough font on TextEdit. And to get it on a sticky, I'm sure you just have to copy and paste. But before you can do that, you have to make your font crossed out. I have some pics that might explain it better. After typing what you want to type in TextEdit: >Highlight the text >Go up to 'Format' >Click 'Font' >Click 'Show Fonts' After choosing a font: >Click the 'T' with 2 lines over it (right above 'Collections' next to the 'T' without 2 lines) Once you click the arrow, it will have options for the strikethrough such as: None, Single, Double, or Color.

For years I'm trying to find a keyboard shortcut for 'strikethrough' or 'struck through' or however you want to call text with a horizontal line through it in OS X Mail. You'd think it is a popular feature since the strikethrough style has been on text editors since the earliest days of the Mac, well at least for decades I can remember and on the other hand it's easy to implement in HTML email. Now your shortcut is set up, it's time to try it out. Open a Finder window and select an item (or several) for tagging. Hit your chosen key combination and you should see a tag menu pop up beneath. Strikethrough keyboard shortcuts in MS Office. Posted in OneNote. On my Mac, in Word, command+shift+x works. Love the addition for the sticky notes! I spent the last few minutes trying to find out how to strikeout/cross out words/letters by using JUST the Keyboard but, more specifically on ‘Sticky Notes’ and I couldn’t find a.


Here are some pictures: Sorry for the small pictures. They didn't come out too good. As of the shortcut, I'm not sure. That is all the info I have.

Text-to-speech (TTS) is the ability of your computer to play back written text as spoken words. How to strike out text in word for mac 2008 download. Depending upon your configuration and installed TTS engines, you can hear most text that appears on your screen in Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and OneNote. For example, if you're using the English version of Office, the English TTS engine is automatically installed.

Command Shortcuts For Mac

Shortcut For Crossing Out Text On Mac

Hope I helped. Well, I do know that it's possible to get a strikethrough font on TextEdit. And to get it on a sticky, I'm sure you just have to copy and paste.

Where Is Text Wrap In Word For Mac

What's the code on mac laptop to sinc messages. An activation code is required for every device that you want to include in text message forwarding. You will now be able to answer any incoming text message on your Mac.

Where Is Text Wrap In Powerpoint

Text wrap in word form

The Excel 2010 blog points out that you can access the wrap text option by typing Alt-H-W — much simpler than the route I used to use of typing Ctrl-1, navigating to the appropriate tab and then.

Mar 27, 2017  Click the Outlook menu> Work Offline. Create a test email and try to send it. This should make Outbox visible. If yes, the issue should be related to the stuck email. In this situation, please start your Mac in safe mode and then start Outlook and perform the steps again. See if you can delete the stuck email this time. Stop outlook text messages. For example, click Font next to New mail to select a default font for new messages, or next to Reply or forward to set a font for outgoing messages. On the Font tab, choose the default Font, Font style, Size, Color & Underline, and Effects.

By In Microsoft Word, you can wrap text around a picture. The default text wrapping for a picture is In Line with Text. This type of alignment makes Word treat the picture like an individual character of text, wherever you put it. As the text floats, the picture floats, too. In this mode, the options are limited as to where you can place the picture because it has to remain associated with a paragraph.

Where Is Text Wrap In Indesign

How to wrap text in word 2010

On the Format tab is the Wrap Text button, which opens a menu of alternative text wrap choices. Here, you can specify how the picture should interact with the adjacent text.

This works on both clip art and photos. Here are the choices. • In Line with Text: The picture is a part of the paragraph; the text doesn’t wrap around it. • Square: Text wraps around the picture’s rectangular outer frame. • Tight: If the picture is clip art that doesn’t have a colored background, the text wraps around the edges of the image itself, not of its rectangular frame. Otherwise, it’s the same as Square.

• Behind Text: The text appears as an overlay on top of the picture. • In Front of Text: The image appears over the top of the text, partially obscuring it. • Top and Bottom: The picture interrupts the text, which flows above or below it. The picture is on a line all by itself.

How To Wrap Text In Word 2010

• Through: Mostly the same as Tight.

Use Command-~ (tilde, usually above the Tab key) to switch to running apps from right to left. Short cut for text to speech on mac.

Keyboard Shortcut For Bold Text On Mac

Entering Fotor and Switching Between Edit, Collage, and Batch From the home menu, you can enter Fotor in the Edit, Collage, or Batch mode. Click on 'Edit' to use powerful tools for every essential editing need, plus scenes, effects, borders, tilt-shift and more. Fotor for mac add text to collage. Fotor photo text editor allows you to adopt fonts directly from your computer and also from our various online fonts. You can add text to your pictures directly online for free. All comprehensive text settings are available at Fotor. Using Fotor’s Text Editor in 4 Simple Steps. Open you collage, design or photo in Fotor. Using the 'Text' button, select and drag a text box to desired location. Modify text, altering font, color, size and transparency. Preview and save your work, choosing the size and format you wish.


Keyboard Shortcut For Bold Font

Common actions Copy ⌘ + c Cut ⌘ + x Paste ⌘ + v Paste without formatting ⌘ + Shift + v Undo ⌘ + z Redo ⌘ + Shift + z Insert or edit link ⌘ + k Open link Option + Enter Show common keyboard shortcuts ⌘ + / Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive ⌘ + s Print ⌘ + p Open ⌘ + o Find ⌘ + f Find and replace ⌘ + Shift + h Find again ⌘ + g Find previous ⌘ + Shift + g Hide the menus (compact mode) Ctrl + Shift + f Insert page break ⌘ + Enter Search the menus Option + / Ctrl + Option + z Text formatting Bold ⌘ + b Italicize ⌘ + i Underline ⌘ + u Strikethrough ⌘ + Shift + x Superscript ⌘ +. Subscript ⌘ +, Copy text formatting ⌘ + Option + c Paste text formatting ⌘ + Option + v Clear text formatting ⌘ + Increase font size ⌘ + Shift + > Decrease font size ⌘ + Shift +.

Where Is The Code On Mac For Text Message Forwarding

If you try to set up text forwarding on your iPad and the device doesn’t respond with a code, then open up the Settings and tap “Messages”. Scroll down to “Send & Receive” and tap it open. Mac not showing device for text forwarding. In the Messages settings you’ll see you two option categories, “You Can Be Reached By iMessage At” and “Start New Conversation From”. After that i got the Text Message Forwarding option on the iPhone, turned it on, received a code on my Mac, and entered it on my iPhone. Fix 4: Mobile number setting: The key is that all the devices need to have the mobile number checked off in Messages. How to strike out text in outlook.

  1. What's The Code On Mac Laptop To Sinc Messages

What's The Code On Mac Laptop To Sinc Messages


Before the release of iOS 8, you didn’t have the ability to send Android- or SMS-based text messages from your Mac. You could only send and receive Apple iMessage or iPhone-based texts. Now that iOS 8 is here, you have a lot more flexibility when it comes to texting, thanks to the closer integration with OS X.

For a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphicobject, right-click it, click Format object, and then click the Alt Text pane. To add Alt Text to the entire SmartArt graphic or chart, click the border of the SmartArt graphic or chart, and not an individual shape or piece. Alt text images. How can the answer be improved?

Where is the code on mac for text message forwarding not working

With Apple’s text message forwarding you can set up your Apple computers and even your iPad to send and receive Android/SMS-based text messages. Want to give it a try? Power on your iPhone and follow the simple steps below. Tap on Settings.

Tap on Messages. On the Message screen, tap Text Message Forwarding.

Duplicate contacts killing your productivity? See how Scrubly can help in this. Tap the name of the device (Mac, iPad) on which you want to enable text message forwarding. A code will appear on the computer or iPad.